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 I’m Liz, I’m a 33 year old Teacher and mum of 2, who was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer back in July 2020- (I know, as if that year wasn’t bad enough!)


Up until then I was fit and healthy and disregarded any possible symptoms as being down to a being working mum, who was always tired and just got a bit bloated when I ate too much bread!!! 

I wanted to write a blog sharing some of my experiences from diagnosis to treatment and any revelations and mishaps along the way, to hopefully raise awareness and also help anyone who may find themselves in a similar situation. I for one, wish I had known beforehand, some of the random things I would encounter along the way!! 


#bowelcancer #bowelcancerawareness #nevertooyoung #nobutts #Bowels2Cancer

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